2015 Mastermind Group for the Most Brilliant and Savvy Women Entrepreneurs

I'm gathering an intimate group of the most brilliant, savvy and inspirational women entrepreneurs I know.

So, here's what's up. 2015 is the year I pledge to support rock star women entrepreneurs in going bigger from the inside out. Scale is the name of the game and leverage - especially mindset - will allow us to create more wealth and empower more of our gender.

After a ton of requests to create a mastermind similar to the one I've been in for 8 years - The Billionaire Girls Club - I'm offering a high touch version specifically designed to elevate your value and your company's value from the inside out. 

The Art of Leverage Mastermind starts with the biggest point of leverage, mindset. Mindset matters. It shows up in the messaging you use, what you offer, the people you hire, the partners you choose, the asks you make and your bottom line. This is the process I use with my clients to remove all limiting beliefs so they can scale, multiply their valuations, get tied in with partners from Hearst to Coca Cola and create the biggest impact possible even when they have minimal resources.  

I'm including more info below and on the siteIf this is something you are interested in let me know. There will only be 5 women and I'm closing the group on the 31st (actually offering some bonuses before the 24th) so the sooner you let me know the better.  You can read more and sign up here and if you have other questions or just want to catch up, let's have a chat.  

Also, if you know another brilliant women you'd like to nominate that you absolutely love and who would benefit from the power of leverage in her business and the power of leverage in her network, please introduce us. 

You are a rock star leader who is building big things. I want 2015 to be a huge year for you because you deserve it. Let's shift the game, truly own our worth and create massive momentum and abundance. 

Love to have you be one of the 5.

-Nicole Casanova