That partner that's the perfect piece of your puzzle, the one that creates true traction, the one that can alter the direction of your organization, your legacy, humanity… is often one connection away. Yet how do you find them? How do you get in the door when that connection is seemingly impossible to get to or…you have no knowledge that this perfect partner exists?
First, you need to be solidly aligned in your Self. Then all elements of your vision, from the products you offer, the technology you leverage, your messaging, and even how you engage your stakeholders must reflect this power and bigger truth.
Yet where does the serial entrepreneur, investor, or visionary find a source for true reflection who calls the perfect partners and opportunities into their vortex? They need a trusted advisor.
A consigliere.
“ con·si·glie·re
an adviser, especially to a crime boss. The consigliere is a close, trusted friend and confidant, the mob’s version of an elder statesman; he is an advisor to the boss in a Mafia crime family, and sometimes is his ‘right-hand man’. ”
Better yet, they need a
Connection Catalyst Consigliere.
Great leaders have others working on their behalf. The key is finding someone that gets you and champions your greatness. The key is finding a mirror, a source of truth, and a magician who wields sorcery on your behalf.
Imagine having a Connection Catalyst Consigliere, one that understands you as the idea’s steward, your idea’s true potential and all the pitfalls, and more importantly, has a vested interest in seeing you play out your longer vision in triumph. Finding the consigliere who not only tells it like it is so that what's not important drops away, and has the tools to set you ablaze manifesting your true desires at scale because they get the speed of tech, innovation, and the metaphysical condenses time and exponentially mobilizes your momentum.
This is working in Kairos time. This is leveraging Magic.
This advocate/coach/confidante/guide is what all great leaders require. Now add vast networks of all the right players in every industry, an understanding of emerging tech and access to deal flow others never see, and the ability to call in any connection from celebrity, to tech titan to politician to move an idea forward and you have what all great champions know is required to win. A source of truth standing in your corner keeping you focused when it feels like you're on the ropes and a coach shouting your praises knowing you can own the ring.
The time has come to operate in a new paradigm. To be a new kind of leader prepared to lead a new world.
We look for interesting and unique technologies/products/services and/or value propositions to accelerate their exposure and access - while minimizing expense and risk. Because revenue and relationships are a priority in any business (and they happen to be our innate joy), we leverage our networks and influence to hand-curated relationships, strategic alliances, and acquisition opportunities.
In addition to our focus on strategic partnerships and revenue generation, as your Connection Catalyst Consigliere, we also secure board seats, find key team members, build out advisor and mentor networks, provide access to capital and visibility opportunities… we even manifest locations, unique assets, and once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Put it on our radar and we'll make it yours. Whatever your desire, we win for our visionaries.
To maintain the integrity of our network and the power of our social capital, we only provide these connections when we feel the visionary and organization is in a position to truly add value to the desired partner. That means doing the real work to be ready.
We do this, most importantly, by building your foundation of sovereign power, so you know how to master your mindset and attract effortlessly. Our deep understanding of your needs and their priority placement on our radar means you are affectionately the object of our attention. Once in our vortex, we're constantly sourcing the right connections.
We look for game-changing emerging tech and especially entrepreneurs, investors, and visionaries with a mission to Shift The Game and Power the People.
This isn't for everyone.
A select few will rise to the challenge. They'll feel the calling and know the power of what's possible.
Imagine having an elder, a wise one, with an understanding of what's needed for you to thrive living your personal hero's journey, who has seen rapid scale and been an impetus for global impact who's also an Innovation Evangelist and Genie Manifestor with a Rolodex few can match operating on your behalf. Imagine having her as your trusted confidante to guide you and call in the perfect players so you can live your legacy.
If you'd like more information on how Nicole can be your personal Connection Catalyst Consigliere and to be considered in Nicole's tribe of revolutionaries, please schedule a call with her here and write Connection Catalyst Consigliere in the notes: